I miss those days. You know, the ones where your homework takes you 25 minutes, recess is the best thing ever, getting to watch TV before school, and have play-dates on a regular basis. Don’t get me wrong, I love high school; just sometimes the stress is overwhelming.
With Valentines Day approaching, I can’t help but remember my days at Wescott Elementary School . Anticipation lingered in the air many days prior to Valentines Day. I think everyone loved shopping with their mom for the coolest Valentine’s cards, writing each kid’s name on it, and enclosing a little treat. Why don’t we do that anymore?
My favorite part of the Valentines Day celebration at school was, no doubt about it, the shoebox decorating. Hours and hours spent cutting, taping, fussing, gluing, and perfecting. I felt so important transporting my colored box to and from school. On the way to school I clutched an empty box and on the journey home I would skip and marvel at all the candy and cards I had accumulated throughout the day. No one cared who had more, or who gave out the best type of candy. Those things didn’t matter then. Those were the days….